Redguards' Adrenalin Rush is very powerful early on, but mediocre mid-to-late game.Recommended Races: Nords, Redguards, and Orcs, along with Imperials.

Borrowing concepts from Oneness's Gatekeeper as well as other bound weapon builds, the Soulbound Warrior was born. Morrowind didn't have a full suit of bound armor, and only most of the weapon types, but Oblivion had a full suit of bound armor, and enough of the weapons that I had considered Conjuration to fill in the empty major slot. I was considering things like Mercantile, Sneak, Armorer, even Athletics, but then an answer hit me.Ĭonjuration. As Oblivion has 7 major skill slots, but I only had 6 filled for the exact same class I had played in Morrowind, there was the question of the seventh skill to choose. Oblivion was simplified much more, taking those 10 skills of Morrowind's and compressing them down into 6 skills, removing some skills like Medium Armor and Spears, and merging others into other skills like Axe and Short Blade. Morrowind had enough weapon and armor skills to take up all 10 majors and minors as a weapon or armor skill. To explain, in Morrowind it was a character whose class simply had every weapon and armor skill in its major and minor skillset, minus hand to hand and unarmored.

It was a concept that I happened to like so much that I had brought the concept into other games, even games that aren't Elder Scrolls, and it just forged a personality of its own. No, this build is for Oblivion, as I'm sure you can tell from the title. This is a build similar to one I had played in Morrowind, which was based off a similar concept to Ponty's Veteran build, a character who was proficient in all types of weapons and armor. It has been a while since I last posted a build, but I have been toying around in other games so I wouldn't have made a Skyrim Build. Greetings readers and members of the Skyrim Blog. " Conjuration is the arcane art of summoning and binding creatures and items for the usage of the conjurer."